Hi everybody! I've been a little bit busy during the last months! Stockholm is great, the work goes ok and now I'm getting used to the live in sweden. There is only two thinks that I don't like from Sweden, the first one is that in autum it gets dark at 3 o'clock too early for me and it really makes me feel a little bit strange. I'm waiting for the snow and I hope everything is going to be lighter and beautiful, anyway it has already snowed four or five times but not that much! The second think that I don't like is that I'm far away from my family but this is not a problem since we try to meet eachother every two months more or less.
We've got a big flat in Solna, a city 2 km from Stockholm, it is quite easy to reach the center with the "tunnelbanna" (metro) not more than 10 minuts to the center. Hopefully I've got some friends here in Stockholm, I meeting frequenly Emmylou och Anna and some other people as well, so I'm improving swedish quite fast, I'm already able to speak Swedish, sometimes I have of course some problems to speak correctly, but the important think is that I understand them and they understand me "I don't know how they can do it ... =)". I've met Kristina too, I met her and Anna in Barcelona a year ago hunging around with Tomasz while we were trying to watch a match of the World Cup od Football. "Sorry Sweden, we won yesterday ..." It has been nice to meet her again and discover that she is painting as well as me! Tomasz is hopefully moving to Stockholm too, I know he was talking with some companies here in the CITY, and it would be great to have him here too!
By the way I'm thinking to play hockey again, but there is any roller-hockey team in sweden, so I thought why not try ice hockey instead?? I've already sent a mail to the "Stockholms Ishockeyförbund" in order if is it possible to join any ice hockey team as a goalkeaper! At least I have to try this sport, maybe I'll became a hockey star!! =)
In two weeks we have a company weekend in Budapest, I guess it will be great to have our Kick off there!! ;-) and with Micke and Magí we are planning to travel to Kiruna (North Polar Circle), Åre to ski, and Prag, Berlin or Amsterdam to party a little bit!!
A lot to do!
I'll try to keep alive my blogg again!!